emergent Interbeing

a practice of transformative dialogue

Three Core Modules

Starting Wednesday, September 27th, 2024

What is emergent interbeing

emergent interbeing

is an individual and collective awareness practice that reveals a new human potential for love and creative synergy. “Interbeing” is just that: a being or living presence that comes alive between and in and through us. It is emergent, meaning that it is something new and surprising that arises out of the not-already-known. And it depends on us, on human choice, to realize its potential.

emergent interbeing

reveals a capacity for human togetherness rooted in non-separation. Just as atoms form molecules that form bacteria that form cells that form organisms, emergent interbeing shows a new possibility for collective sensing and sense-making that includes and transcends the individual. It points to a way that our uniqueness and diversity can cohere and synergize in a complex unity.

about the program

In the practice of emergent interbeing, the present field of our interrelatedness becomes self-aware. It was our personal self-awareness that birthed our individuality. It is the self-awareness of the field that births our interbeing.
Thomas Steininger
emergent interbeing

is first experienced as a sacred field of shared presence that emerges and comes alive through our awareness of what is between us. The longing for wholeness, connection, and depth transforms into a creative life force when we each dare to open ourselves to the heart’s deepest demand. Through the process of dialogue—the most human gift of language--engaging with and from this sacred space between, we then discover a synergistic intelligence that allows us to co-consciously create together.

emergent interbeing

is not simply another "we space" process or relationship technique but instead is the fulfillment of what these methods point to--a new direction in human and cultural development. It supports a radical shift from a culture of separation and competition to one of diversity-in-unity rooted in a sense of the sacred. From the most fundamental human activity—speaking with each other—this practice transforms dialogue into a powerful shared space of curiosity, reverence, meaningfulness, love, and potential. Through this collective practice, you become an agent of emergence, discovering how to synergize diversity from the ground of wholeness and thereby become a force for deep cultural change.

Transforming culture...

This is an invitation to transform culture through your own transformation. Cognitive scientist John Vervaeke speaks of “stealing the culture”--taking it back from the power players that are profiting from us so that connection and interbeing become the ground of our lives and culture. Not only is this practice a means to transform and enliven the work you do with others, it is also in itself an answer to the increasing limitations and dangers of the modern Western mode of thinking and being. The ongoing practice of emergent interbeing—carried into your life and work, relationships and projectsbecomes part of a radical experiment to shift the axis of Western culture from separation and division to entangled, interdependent interconnectedness.

I want to do what Augustine did as the Roman Empire was falling. He laid the foundation. He laid the cultural cognitive grammar for an entirely different culture and they stole the culture from the bottom-up.
John Vervaeke

As a practitioner of emergent interbeing, you join in a bottom-up process of creating transformative micro-cultures grounded in the sacredness of Life itself. Joy, intimacy, awe, freedom, and collective insight are unleashed between us. You learn to synergize complexity from wholeness. Learning how to perceive and become available to this dynamic interbeing is the foundation of a new, transindividuated self sense—one that includes and transcends our individuality. Through developing your capacity to live emergent interbeing, your relationships and projects become part of a network of experiments that can lay the foundation for the future.

Spirit is not in the I but between I and You.
Martin Buber

What people experience

I am experiencing a deeply lasting transformation here… The term "transformation" has now become really tangible for me.
In this practice, I’m touching the magic of life, which is both mysterious and at times scary but also so exciting and so beautiful. It is re-membering this deep connection, this Love, that is the spark of all life.
Jamie H.
Duluth, MN, USA
…together we are learning about a love which is in and of all.
Virginia T.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
…experiencing for real a new and deeper way of being together…is what gives me real hope for a better future for all of us and also the means for how to contribute to that.
Lillehammer, Norway
…creates sacred spaces in time and reality, to practice and learn to trust the Goodness, Beauty, Wisdom in every unique expression of Life. 
Diane Charles
Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, Canada
…a compass direction in these difficult times.
Minneapolis, MN, USA
This may be blasphemous but this feels bigger than all the other awakening experiences in life. It begins at a whole other scale and literally rewires everything in my experience. It’s got a different component that gives me a lot of hope about the way forward.
Kerry L.
North Carolina

About the Program

The emergent interbeing Practice Program has three Modules that form a sequence:
Module 1: The Interbeing Field
We start by developing the capacity to sense the subtle living field between us. Through this process, we become aware of its qualities and what it takes to bring it alive in the space between us. We discover a new orientation to life from wholeness that is bigger and beyond the group.
Module 2: Emergent Dialogue
The next step is to learn how to align with and allow the intelligence of the field to work with us as we learn to work from it. This happens through emergent dialogue. This practice of dialogue from interbeing shifts our awareness from ourselves to the space between. We explore how to sense the creative impulse from the whole and how to become available to its synergistic intelligence.
Module 3: An Ereignis Culture
“Ereignis” is a German word that means when a moment comes into its own. In other words, when a dialogue integrates the diversity of perspectives into a new sense of wholeness without following the direction or agenda of anyone present. The whole comes into its ownness. In the third Module, we practice living interbeing through dialogue and engage with polarizing topics and new capacities of co-intelligence and intersubjective sense-making. We also explore how to bring emergent dialogue to different contexts in your life.  
You can take the first Module on its own. The other two Modules require that you have successfully completed the first one.

All three Modules meet on Wednesdays, 17:00 – 19:00 in Central Europe (Berlin or Paris time).

We meet using Zoom video conferencing. The first two Modules meet every other week in whole group sessions with Thomas Steininger and Elizabeth Debold. You will also be assigned to a small practice group led by an experienced Catalyst and meet together for practice on the alternate weeks. The third Module meets every week in the whole group and there are no small practice groups.

Note: there is a Sunday Replay of the whole group sessions led by Elizabeth and Thomas for those who cannot make the Wednesday time or miss a session. The Replay is held on Sundays at 14:00 in Central Europe. You are also given access to our social network, the Communiverse. Here you can engage with other participants, review session recordings, ask questions, and participate in Pop Up Practice sessions.
emergent interbeing re-integrates us in Life itself—which we discover is nothing short of an all-encompassing, creative love.
Elizabeth Debold
Our Guides
Thomas Steininger
Elizabeth Debold
No items found.

Mike Kauschke


Carri Munn


Marlene Potthoff


Maria Zacherl


Dr. Nadja Rosmann

1. the interbeing  field
SEPTEMBER 25, 2024
Explore Module
2. emergent dialogue
JANUARY 22, 2025
Explore Module
3. an ereignis culture
APRIL 23, 2025
Explore Module