Die zentralen Seminareinheiten dieses Programm werden von Thomas Steininger und Elizabeth Debold auf Englisch gehalten. Wir bieten aber auch deutschsprachige Übungsgruppen an, um Emergent Dialogue auf Deutsch zu üben.
The first two modules aim to give you enough instruction and practice to start to stabilize your awareness in and of interbeing. Once you can consciously surrender and give yourself to the subtle, living intelligence of interbeing, then you can start to co-consciously create and begin to engage in sense-making from the intelligence of the collective itself. This is the emergence of a culture, an Ereignis culture. What is Ereignis? It is when the moment comes into its own—in other words, an emergence from the field as a whole. The third core module offers you a safe and exciting space to put into practice all that you have learned so that you can bring it into different situations in your life. Together, the teaching team and participants will decide on topics for dialogue. Each session will give you the opportunity to dialogue in random small groups and then to come all together to share and clarify what actually happened.
The Module meets every Wednesday for ten weeks from April 23 to June 18th, 2025. The sessions last two hours, starting at 17:00 CEST (which is 11:00 EDT, 8:00 PST, and 8:30pm IST). All sessions will be led by Thomas Steininger and Elizabeth Debold. Small groups will be held in each session and will be either random or self-organized. While participants will have a range of experience, no Catalysts will be assigned to guide the groups. Each group will take care of itself. There will always be one group led in German.
is an individual and collective spiritual practice that reveals a new human potential for love and creative synergy. “Interbeing” is just that: a being or living presence that comes alive between and in and through us. It is emergent, meaning that it is something new and surprising that arises out of the not-already-known. And it depends on us, on human choice, to realize its potential.
reveals a capacity for human togetherness rooted in non-separation. Just as atoms form molecules that form bacteria that form cells that form organisms, emergent interbeing shows a new possibility for collective sensing and sense-making that includes and transcends the individual. It points to a way that our uniqueness and diversity can cohere and synergize in a complex unity.
The only way to live from emergent interbeing is through practice. You cannot learn it by studying or thinking about the concepts only; interbeing is something that you have to become aware of and engage in dialogue with others in groups. It is more than just speaking together; it’s a matter of sensing, presencing, letting go, choosing, and being available to the emergent edge of what happens between us.
During the three months of the Module, you will have many opportunities for practice. We combine ongoing instruction and exercises in each teaching session, and twice monthly small practice groups will allow you to explore and develop what you have learned.
Transmission &Initiation. The first, and most important, element in learning emergent interbeing is an experiential recognition of this living space between us. Establishing this through transmission is essential. It is an initiation into collective presencing.
Experience & Exploration. Practice starts with perception training: developing the sensing “muscles” to perceive the subtle, embodied connectivity of the living intersubjective field. Again, this is not a concept or an idea, but depends on the palpable experience of this field and the sensitivity to recognize it. From here, we inquire together into the nature of this space of interbeing, and in the process, it and we develop a new way of being human together.
Understanding. In addition to exploring and inquiring together, we will also provide content for the mind to place the practice of emergent interbeing in a larger context.This includes philosophy, history, developmental psychology, and cultural evolution.
This last module explores how to work with the practice as a tool for transforming culture. We explore how emergent interbeing creates the potential for new forms of collective learning and intersubjective sense-making. We practice emergent interbeing with a wide variety of topics and explore the space beyond polarity. In this, a new potential for a culture of Ereignis, arises between us. Diversity is held in a wholeness that emerges from the synergistic intelligence of the whole.
Together, in active participation in the large and small sessions, we will explore and practice:
Discussing topics that are challenging and cause division
How to counteract polarization through emergent interbeing
Reaching a new level of collective learning
How to stay open to interbeing in the midst of intensity
Becoming more aware of our own shadows and fixed ideas
How to be fully in the dialogue and not stepping out to observe
Developing deeper trust in interbeing and in our humanity
And you will share all of this in the company of curious, high-spirited fellow humans.
Register NowStart with a check in and introduce the topic for dialogue. This may be a reading or a topic. Participants will be invited to suggest topics that the whole group will choose from.
Dialogue in random small groups for approximately an hour.
In the last 30 minutes, explore what happened in the groups and how to respond to challenging or unexpected situations.
Module 2 is now open for registration. Click below to learn more: