Collective Wisdom and ChatGPT

George Pór
March 1, 2023

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Collective Wisdom and ChatGPT
George Pór
Technology & Consciousness

Technology & Consciousness

About this podcast

Thomas Steininger in dialogue with George Pór

Over the last few weeks, many of us have become more aware of how powerful artificial intelligence has become. Many have played with the Chatbot, ChatGPT and are surprised, even stunned, by how this machine is able to deliver intelligent and precise answers to seemingly all aspects of reality. Will we be soon overpowered by AI?

For several decades, George Pór has been researching the potential of human collective wisdom--the kind of wisdom that emerges when we come together in open-hearted and open-minded dialogical fields. Wisdom is a human capacity. Pór sees the potential of a different future, where our potential for collective wisdom and the AI potential for knowledge can be brought together and something that George Pór calls "hybrid wisdom".

This week in Radio evolve, Thomas Steininger speaks with George Pór about collective wisdom and ChatGPT.

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