Thomas Steininger talks with Paul Vanderklay
In the vast world of the Internet, there's a little corner on YouTube where a new kind of global conversation is taking place. This conversation revolves around spirituality, wisdom culture, science, and consciousness. These deep conversations are markedly different from the typical Internet experience. They are often quite challenging, frequently lasting more than one hour. Moreover, a network of communities is emerging around these discussions, with people both listening in and actively participating in this fresh online exploration of our times. Jordan Peterson and John Vervaeke are among the popular figures in these captivating conversations, and Paul Vanderklay is one of them.
However, Paul is not just a YouTube personality; he is also a minister in the Christian Reformed Church. In his interview with Thomas Steininger, he was asked about the particular role that major wisdom traditions like the Christian churches can play in this new global online dialogue about culture and consciousness.
Thomas Steininger and Paul Vanderklay will also speak together at the Breakwater Festival Mannheim Germany October 27-29 2023
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