Co-Creating-Europe: Live Webcast from Bulgaria

July 15, 2019

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Co-Creating-Europe: Live Webcast from Bulgaria
Spiritual Activism

Spiritual Activism

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Special time this week! Friday July 12th 4:45 CST (2:45pm UTC)This week social change activists with a backround in contemporary spirituality from all over Europe will meet in Plovdiv, Bulgaria to talk about alternative perspectives for a Europe with heart and soul.Here's a description from the Co-Creating Europe website:"We, the people around Co- Creating Europe, are Europeans or at least based in Europe and identify with being European...even if our origin is important to many of us. We all believe in the potential of Europe to embrace unity in diversity and become an experimental hub for new, trans-national forms of society. We believe that a leap in consciousness is needed to set sustainable changes in Europe into place. This leap in consciousness comes from a combination of waking up and growing up. This different Europe will be able to play it's unique positive role in the emerging global concert of nations and cultures."Radio evolve and the Integral voices webcast of Meridian University will jointly broadcast a live panel discussion from the gathering in Plovdiv. Amongst others, the panel will include Annette Kaiser and Anne-Marie Voorhoeve.Here you can find the website of the initiative Co-Creating- Europe. And here you can find the essential principles of our work for new Europe.

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